Detoxify with the cycles of nature.

Register for the Summer Cleanse

The Four Season Yoga Cleanse

The Four Season Yoga Cleanse is an online and in-person program that uses Naturopathic Medicine, Kundalini Yoga, and dietary changes to facilitate detoxification and rejuvenation. The cleanse was designed by Sat Dharam Kaur ND as a way to carry out an annual detoxification regime that is attuned to the seasons. It follows the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, identifying 2 organs that can be cleansed and rejuvenated seasonally, and combines breathing exercises, Kundalini Yoga and meditation with a special diet, herbal teas and supplements to support the organs involved.

Fall Cleanse: Lungs, Large Intestine

Winter Cleanse: Kidneys, Bladder, Adrenal Glands

Spring Cleanse: Liver, Gallbladder

Summer Cleanse: Heart, Small Intestine

The cleanse is offered either online or in-person at select locations. Registration includes:

  • Five different yoga sessions taught either through online videos or in-person over 5 days, targeted towards the season’s organs
  • Support in completing a 5 day organ-specific dietary cleanse and a 35 day season-specific dietary cleanse
  • A copy of the seasonal manual containing yoga sets, breathing exercises, meditations, recipes, instructions and dietary guidelines
  • Specially-designed herbal tea (supplied for in-class participants only)
About Four Season Yoga Cleanse

Summer Cleanse

The Summer Cleanse focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation of the heart and small intestine. Summer is a time of expansion, vibrancy, social outings, exploration of the outer world and nature, and celebration. We feel free, get in shape, relax and take time to enjoy life and holidays. We need to maintain the health of the heart and small intestine. If we don’t cleanse the cardiovascular system and small intestine, our energy levels drop, our daily experience of joy diminishes and our circulation suffers. We become susceptible to the build up of plaque in our arteries, risk of heart attack or stroke, and circulatory problems such as hemorrhoids, cold hands and feet and varicose veins. We may find ourselves needing blood pressure medication or pharmaceuticals for anxiety or to help us sleep. This cleanse is designed to activate circulation, strengthen your heart, clear the arteries, normalize cholesterol and blood pressure, induce calm and relaxation and improve sleep. It will remove potential irritants to your digestive system and decrease inflammation in the GI tract, improving absorption. The recommended diet is nutrient dense – sufficient in protein yet high in minerals and antioxidants to slow down the aging process. The Summer is the perfect time to begin a cleansing program for the heart and small intestine, because they are associated with the summer season and may be more vulnerable to an imbalance at this time.

Results you can expect:

  • improved circulation
  • clarity of mind
  • increased energy
  • decreased food cravings
  • diminished food allergies
  • improved digestion
  • healthy bowel movements
  • clear skin
  • decreased cholesterol and decreased blood pressure

We will focus on the following topics each day:

  • Day 1 – Activate circulation
  • Day 2 – Strengthen the heart
  • Day 3 – Open the heart
  • Day 4 – Experience joy
  • Day 5 – Improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients

Start anytime between June 21 and September 21 annually for participation online.

Register for the Summer Cleanse

Fall Cleanse

The Fall Cleanse focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation of the lungs, large intestine, and skin. The Fall is a great time to begin a detoxification program because it is associated with the lungs and large intestine, and cleansing the colon is ideally done before any other organ in order to eliminate excess body waste.

Results you can expect:

  • weight loss
  • clarity of mind
  • decreased gas and bloating
  • increased energy
  • decreased food cravings
  • diminished food allergies
  • relief of joint pain
  • elimination of Candida and parasites
  • decreased cholesterol and decreased blood pressure

We will focus on the following topics each day:

  • Day 1 – Increase water and fiber intake to detox the bowel
  • Day 2 – Replace alkaline minerals
  • Day 3 – Re-populate the bowel flora
  • Day 4 – Eliminate yeast and parasites
  • Day 5 – Hydrotherapy, skin brushing, and use the sauna to detoxify

Start anytime between September 21 and December 21 annually.

Register for the Fall Cleanse

Winter Cleanse

The Winter Cleanse focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation of the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands. The Winter is the perfect time to begin a cleansing and rejuvenation program for the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands, because they are associated with the winter season and may be more vulnerable to an imbalance at this time. Results you can expect:

  • Increased energy
  • Less triggered by stress
  • Stronger bones
  • Decreased joint pain and body aches
  • More lustrous hair
  • Improved kidney function
  • Alleviation of low back pain
  • Balanced sexual energy
  • Decreased allergy symptoms
  • Improved bladder function

We will focus on the following topics each day:

  • Day 1 – Restore Your Kidney Essence
  • Day 2 – Nourish Your Kidney Yin
  • Day 3 – Fortify your Kidney Yang
  • Day 4 – Strengthen the Bladder
  • Day 5 – Balance the Adrenal Glands

Start anytime between December 21 and March 21 annually.

Register for the Winter Cleanse

Spring Cleanse

The Spring Cleanse focuses on detoxification and rejuvenation of the liver and gallbladder. Spring is a time for new beginnings. All around us the momentum of growth is apparent. Shoots erupt from the earth, flowers reveal their beauty, bees distribute precious gifts of pollen, buds and leaves burst forth, and animals delight in the business of procreation. Spring invites us to redefine who we are and what we want to create. After cocooning ourselves in winter, we are ready. The next cycle of our lives has begun. This is the perfect time to start a new project or finish an old one. Clean out your closets and refresh your wardrobe. Redefine your relationships and rebuild your nest. Express and release any anger, frustration or depression that has been blocking you and get on with it. Our Spring Yoga Cleanse will support you in making a fresh start. When we improve detoxification of the liver and gallbladder, physically and emotionally, and let go of pent-up emotions, we create room for something wonderful to be born. When your liver is working well, you feel lighter, more energized, and have a greater capacity to filter internal and external toxins.

Results you can expect:

  • Increased energy
  • Less triggered by stress
  • Decreased joint pain and body aches
  • Improved vision
  • Improved sleep
  • Easier weight loss
  • Menstrual cycle regulated
  • Reduction in headaches, neck and shoulder pain
  • Improved digestion
  • Reduction in anger or irritability

We will focus on the following topics each day:

  • Day 1 – Remove liver stagnation and encourage free-flowing energy
  • Day 2 – Improve liver detoxification
  • Day 3 – Improve liver drainage
  • Day 4 – Relax your liver
  • Day 5 – Care for your liver’s companion, the gallbladder

Start the online course anytime between March 21 and June 21 annually. Join us online by registering below: Register for the Spring Cleanse


Cleanses are available to take either online or in-person at select yoga centres.
The online cleanse includes:

  • Five different yoga sessions taught through online videos, targeted towards the season’s organs, including breathing exercises, yoga sets and meditations
  • Support in completing a 5 day organ-specific dietary cleanse and a 35 day season-specific dietary cleanse
  • A copy of the seasonal manual containing yoga sets, breathing exercises, meditations, recipes, instructions and dietary guidelines

The in-person cleanse includes:

  • 5 morning classes at a yoga studio including cleansing Kundalini Yoga, meditation, discussion, and season-specific herbal tea
  • Support in completing a 5 day organ-specific dietary cleanse and a 35 day season-specific dietary cleanse
  • Hardcopy of the Spring Yoga Cleanse manual with yoga sets, breathing exercises, meditations, recipes, instructions and dietary guidelines
  • Optional: video copies of the 5 yoga classes for you to practice at home

The cost for the online cleanse for a season is $150 CAD. This gives you access to the online materials for either the full season or 40 days. If you would like to have extended access for up to a year to the course materials, you can do so for a $75 fee (on this page).

Register for the Summer Cleanse

Online Program In order to register online for this cleanse, you must:

  1. Click the link below to fill out the registration form
  2. Go back to this page and click the Pay Online button to pay

Click here to register and pay.

Register for the Fall Cleanse

Online Program In order to register online for this cleanse, you must:

  1. Click the link below to fill out the registration form
  2. Go back to this page and click the Pay Online button to pay

Click here to register and pay.

Register for the Winter Cleanse

Online Program In order to register online for this cleanse, you must:

  1. Click the link below to fill out the registration form
  2. Go back to this page and click the Pay Online button to pay

Click here to register and pay.

Register for the Spring Cleanse

Online Program In order to register online for this cleanse, you must:

  1. Click the link below to fill out the registration form
  2. Go back to this page and click the Pay Online button to pay

Click here to register and pay.


Please contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Trillium Healing Arts


[email protected]